On Fri, 25 May 2018 19:52:40 -0700 (PDT), The Mighty Favog
Post by The Mighty FavogI think somebody ought to post to AFP in 2018. That’s what I think.
I think that's a good idea. Somebody ought to reply to an AFP post in
2018, as well.
Did you see Porkins in Rogue One? Porkins survived the Battle of
Scarif! Of course his X-Wing is only seen for a few seconds coming out
of hyperspace and I'm pretty sure it's Red Six because there's an R5
droid in the back.
I've been meaning to take a screenshot, but, you know, I had to have a
donut first.
Hanky Huckleberry
Post by The Mighty Favog—
Bill Anderson
I am the Mighty Favog